Table 1. Variable Definitions (number of items)
Biodemographic variables
Time in service Total years member had toward retirement at the time of deployment (1)
Corps/Specialty Corps for officers, Military Occupational Specialty for enlisted (1)
Age Age at last birthday (1)

Gender, male or female (1)

Military status

Active, Reserve Component, Federal Civil Service, Civilian (1)


Branch of the military (1)


Military rank E-1 through O-10 (1)

Comfort in role

How well prepared they felt in their deployed role and with their military skills (2)

Family disruption

Difficulty of making arrangements for care for children and/or adult dependents at home and whether those dependents needed to be relocated to get care. (2)

Number of dependents

Number of children and/or adult dependents at home (2)

Financial hardship Magnitude of decrease in annual income or entitlements due to activation and deployment and unreimbursable expenses (5)
Willingness to serve

Attitude of service member regarding being assigned to duty in Southwest Asia (1)

Education and Training Variables
Education level

Highest civilian and military education (2)

Trauma care training

Amount of specialty training in trauma care such as the Combat Casualty Care Course (C4), Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), or Emergency Medical Technician training, intensive care or battlefield medicine training (5)

Experience variables

Experience in career field

Field training

Participation in field exercises as part of a field hospital or as a combat medic on a range from no experience to greater than 20 days (1)

Previous Deployments

Deployment for named operations such as Operation Just Cause, Lebanon, Urgent Fury, Vietnam (2)

This deployment experience

Service member's assessment of their preparedness in the areas of clothing and equipment, family affairs, financial affairs, and military training (4)

Problems becoming operational

The problems the unit experienced becoming operational related to transportation delays, missing or inoperable equipment, training and availability of personnel, leadership and mission orders (8)

Symptom Distress

Whether the service member experienced an increase in their physical complaints or anxiety during deployment (2)

Satisfaction with deployment job

On a continuum, whether the service member was enthusiastic about their job, liked their job better than the average worker, or were satisfied with their job while deployed (3)